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Published Books

Esoteric Studies

Martinez de Pasqually and the Office of the Holy Spirit

This book reproduces a full medieval Office of the Holy Spirit as well as the rare Hours dating from the eighteenth-century. For each manuscript there is a transcription of the Latin text and a rendering into English drawn from existing devotional texts

The introduction discusses the theology underlying the use of the Office of the Holy Spirit by the eighteenth-century mystic and theurgist, Martinez de Pasqually. It has a particular focus on Pasqually’s choice of the penitential psalms the Miserere Mei and De Profundis when reciting the Office.

Reverence of the Holy Spirit was important to Pasqually, who understood that the liturgy of the Church contained spiritual power. He recognised the authority of the Church to “bind and loose” evil through the mandate bestowed upon it by Christ through the Holy Spirit. It was therefore fitting for Pasqually to encourage his own secret priesthood to recite these ancient prayers to the Advocate and Illuminator of man.

Not as Above, Not as Below: How We Got the Emerald Tablet Wrong by John Gilbert

The phrase “as above, so below” has become a central axiom of much Western mystical and occult philosophy. It seems to convey, in a compact and powerful collection of four words, the so-called “Law of Correspondence” whereby the macrocosm (the “above”) exists in a state of mutual influence and interaction with the microcosm (the “below”). However, this reexamination of the oldest known source texts, including the “Emerald Tablet”, seeks to challenge these claims. In fact, it challenges the very title of “Emerald Tablet”, given to the brief Hermetic text venerated by students of Western esotericism as the source of those ideas. While not arguing for or against the validity of Correspondence in principle, Not as Above, Not as Below is a call to set the record straight on where these ideas came from, and what the “Emerald Tablet” may actually be talking about

The Way Without Masters by Rémi Boyer (Author), Sylvie Boyer-Camax (Author), Michael Sanborn (Translator)

This collection of nondualist texts by Rémi Boyer forms an anthology that is both classic and singular, traditional and avant-garde, in response to a suggestion made to the author in 1998 by Lima de Freitas: “The avant-gardes widen the breach in opacity so that the traditions can slip in.”

The philosophical, metaphysical, alchemical, and poetic texts gathered and expanded in this volume were published in France, Spain, and Portugal, in a dispersed manner, over the last three decades. They relate to the philosophies of awakening, the traditions of internal alchemy, and nondual metaphysics, but above all convey a method and a discipline of the arcane implemented on a daily basis. The author is bilingual in his own tongue. Alongside a common, consensual, profane manner of speaking, he proposes another relationship to language, non-Aristotelian, crepuscular, and poetic, seeking the original meaning in the sounds themselves, prior to the words, in order to allow the free circulation of mythemes and to find the primary power of the word, renewing a tradition of which Portugal and India have become the guardians. Whether with vigor or elegance, the words disorganize and disturb the conditioned to leave free space for Being and to open the doors of luminous infinities leading to the Recognition and Reintegration of our Original Nature. In reality, it is only a matter, sound after sound, word after word, of Freedom.

The De Granville Manuscripts: Élus Coëns Ritual and Instruction From The Eighteenth Century

A new and unabridged translation of the surviving papers of Lieutenant-Colonel Pierre André de Grainville (1728-1794). De Grainville was an initiate of the enigmatic Martinez de Pasqually, the founder of the mysterious Élus Coëns.

Having Progressed through the Order’s ranks, de Grainville kept notes of his theurgical operations. Collectively known as ‘les manuscrits de Grainville’ or ‘le manuscript d’Alger’ where they are held at the Bibliotheque nationale de France, the folios are not a complete Coen grimoire, but an incomplete and fragmentary snapshot of the original rituals in a state of rapid development.

Included are both BnF folios FM4 1282 and FM4 1282A

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The Alchemy of William Blake: The Three Principles of the Divine Essence and ‘An Allegory of the Spiritual Condition of Man

To better understand William Blake, it is necessary to understand his sources of inspiration. While much has been written about the influences of Paracelsus and Swedenborg on his work, a key influence on Blake was the self-taught sixteenth-century mystic Jacob Boehme. Blake and Boehme believed they had mystical experiences and visions that inspired their writing.

This book embarks on a profound exploration of the connection between these two visionaries. The author meticulously dissects Blake’s tempera painting ‘An Allegory of the Spiritual Condition of Man’ to comprehensively analyse Blake’s beliefs. The book carefully examines the painting as a whole and its constituent parts, exploring the relationships between them before reassembling it.

‘An Allegory of the Spiritual Condition of Man’ has rich potential for interpretation, encompassing both Kabbalistic and alchemical perspectives. The author skilfully incorporates these interpretations into the book’s structure, leading readers on a fascinating journey of discovery and deepening their understanding and appreciation of the philosophical alchemy underpinning Blake’s mysticism.

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Martinez de Pasqually: Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings
The Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings into Their Original Estate, Virtues and Powers both Spiritual and Divine, of Martinez (Martinés) de Pasqually (c.1727 – 1774), was partially finished at the time of his death. It was intended to be a full commentary on the Pentateuch, and that which we have was composed during the period when Pierre Fournié and Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin were his personal secretaries. Like his contemporary Emmanuel Swedenborg, Pasqually is said to have experienced dreams and visions of spiritual realms and the multiplicity of beings inhabiting them. The themes we encounter in the Treatise inevitably include elements of spiritualism and strong alchemical and Rosicrucian principles.

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Martinez de Pasqually: Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings (Audiobook)

The Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings of Martinez de Pasqually (c. 1727-1774) was partially finished at his death. It was intended to be a full commentary on the Pentateuch, and that which we have was composed during the period when Pierre Fournié and Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin were his personal secretaries.

Like his contemporary, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Pasqually is said to have experienced dreams and visions of spiritual realms and the multiplicity of beings inhabiting them. The themes we encounter in the Treatise inevitably include elements of spiritualism and strong alchemical and Rosicrucian principles.

Narrated by Ike Baker (ike.baker.com)

Preface by Matt Fletcher

Audio Engineering by Adam Audioworks @Socialadvagency

Rhymes and Reason  Translated by Stuart Clelland

A lucky discovery in the archives of the Sorbonne University in Paris led to Stewart Clelland (co-author of The Green Book and the recent The Master’s Voice, both published by Lewis Masonic and concerning the theurgical system of Pasqually) approaching Rose Circle Publications to bring his discovery to the public. What he had found were unpublished poems by a man who had a major influence on the esoteric revival of the 19th Century: Éliphas Lévi, or Alphonse Louis Constant.
These poems, written towards the end of his life, reflect many facts of his extraordinary sojourn on earth as a clergyman, a revolutionary, and of course the author of some twenty very important books on esotericism. If poetry is a window to the soul, these poems are a major contribution to understanding how the mind of this major character worked. Highly recommended!
The book comes with a significant explanatory Introduction written by Mathieu G. Ravignat.



By Rémi Boyer, trans. Michael Sanborn

This book could just as well have been titled The Rectified Scottish Rite as a Way of Awakening, thus completing the triptych of works by Rémi Boyer on the ways of awakening that he wrote regarding the Rose-Croix, Freemasonry, and Martinism.

Rémi Boyer offers and comments on the Grades of the Order, as well as the Instructions to the Professed and especially those of the Grand Professed who give a remarkable synthesis of the Doctrine of Reintegration.

The Lessons of Lyon  Translated by MR Osborne

Founded in 1754 by the enigmatic Martinez de Pasqually, the Order of Knight-Masons Elect Priests of the Universe (or Élus Coën) left an indelible impression on French Freemasonry and worldwide Martinism.
Pasqually’s Élus Coëns worked tirelessly for the restoration of man’s inner divinity and eventual reintegration with God. The fraternity practised a system of white magic (theurgy) aimed at recovering humanity’s original, spiritual memory. 


Pierre Fournié: What We Have Been, What We Are and What We Will Become Translated by MR Osborne

Pierre Fournié (1738-1825) wrote his treatise ‘What We Have Been, What We Are, And What We Will Become’ between 1774 – 1801. It is translated here into English in its entirety for the very first time. 

The Abbé’s work focuses on the core Martinist doctrine of reconciliation, regeneration, and reintegration expounded by the original Élus Coëns of Martinez de Pasqually. This is an incomparable record of one of the leading lights of eighteenth-century French esotericism.

This rare treatise is a seminal part of any collection.  With a detailed introduction about the Abbé’s life and the influences on his thinking, the book includes a Preface by the Great Sovereign of the Ordre des Chevaliers Maçons Élus Coëns de l’Univers, O.O.E.C.


Letters to Friends of the Spirit by Sylvie and Rémi Boyer, trans. Michael Sanborn.
The forty-four Letters to Friends of the Spirit were sent in five languages in the form of “Briefs,” on a weekly basis, during the periods of restricted freedoms in 2021, to members of initiatory, Masonic, Martinist, Gnostic, Pythagorean, Rose-Croix, Swedenborgian, and other organizations in order to support practice. Among the topics covered are: prayer and meditation, the meaning of prophecies, the use of Hebrew, the myths of chivalric traditions, the temple and the crypt, the theurgy of the Élus Coëns, the secret grammar, geometry, alchemy, the Arcana Arcanorum, the work of Swedenborg, and the contribution of literature to initiation.


Son of Perdition: The Magic and Hubris of Simon Magus by M.R. Osborne, Tony Hutchins

A retelling of the legendary conflict between ancient magic and the Apostolic Church. In our present day and age the story of the confrontation between the Apostles and Simon Magus has become increasingly forgotten. M.R. Osborne considers the relationship between miracles and magic as they played out in this dramatic encounter.

The author investigates how ancient magical operations – such as necromancy, transmutation, sex magic and transvection (amongst others) – acted as opposing forces to the sacramental powers of the Primitive Church.


The Brazen Serpent – Chaos and Order
In this book M. Osborne explores the famous image of the Nehustan or Brazen Serpent set up by Moses to cure the Israelites, seeking the Divine Code hidden within the laws of Nature.


Allegory in Stone: A Short Study of the Shakespeare Monument
An examination of the influence of the occult on the works of William Shakespeare, with a particular focus on his funerary monument in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon.
The author considers the ciphers and geometrical codes hidden within the memorial, and approaches what on the surface appears to be a traditional stone of its time from Masonic, Rosicrucian and Kabbalistic viewpoints.


Freemasonry as a Way of Awakening

The 1st book in the ‘Way of Awakening Series’ by Rémi Boyer, a renowned contemporary esoteric writer. This book explores the use of Masonry to achieve the Path.
Martinism as a Way of Awakening
The 2nd book in the ‘Way of Awakening Series’ by Rémi Boyer, which explores the Path from the viewpoint of Martinism.
Beneath the Veil of Elias Artista
The 3rd book in the ‘Way of Awakening Series’ by Rémi Boyer. This book completes the trilogy with a look at the Roscicrucian Path of enlightenment.
The Most Holy Trinosophia
A full color reissue of the famous book allegedly by St. Germain or Cagliostro, containing high quality copies of all the original alchemical plates and a translation by M. R. Osborne.

Martinist Studies

Martinezism, Willermozism, Martinism & Freemasonry
A manifesto by Papus provident abided history of the founders of modern Martinism, its relationship to French Freemasrony in the late 1800s, and expounds on the landmarks of Martinism.
The Science of the Kabbalah
Lenain’s seminal book on the Shemhamphorasch, published in 1823 and reissued by Papus in 1909. Contains a new interpretation of the seals based on Lévi’s descriptions.

Natural Table

Saint-Martin’s second book, published in 1782, continues his exploration of the relationships of God, Man and the Universe, through a look at history and theosophy.
Elementary Treatise on Practical Magic
Originally published in 1893, this  important book summarizes the main grimoires, and explores contemporary mystical in the fin de siècle France of the late 19th Century.
Of Errors & Truth
Saint-Martin’s first book, published in 1775, launched an attack against the atheists and Encyclpedists of the time, using Masonic symbolism to reveal the existence of God.
The Science of Numbers
Bringing together Saint-Martin and Papus’ posthumously published works on Numbers, this book provides aphilosophical, mystical and theosophical analysis of the building blocks of creation.

Masonic Studies

Enlightenment Man & Mason

This book is the second in the “Renaissance Man and Mason” series. Drawing most of the it’s ideas from 18th Century Masonry, it continues the threads begin in the first book in eight longer talks.

Renaissance Man & Mason

A book of talks given by the author over the past 20 years. Focused on Freemasonry, it contains papers on history, symbolism, esotericism and speculation on Regular Masonry, York Rite and Scottish Rite Masonry.

Capitular Development Course

Written by a Grand High Priest to meet the Royal Arch education needs of his State, this book is now used in over 20 States, recommend by the General Grand Chapter, and adapted for 4 States.

Royal Arch Masons Educational Resources
A compendium of ancillary rituals, short talks, festive board rituals, rituals for the Ladies and other gems, now collected in a ring-bound book for easy photocopying, with no copyright restrictions.
A Templar Monitor
The republishing of a Templar Ritual from the 1880s discovered in a commander in Tennessee, this lavish volume boasts copies of the original handwritten rituals and illustrations together with contemporary commentaries and updated transcriptions. Currently available from the Knights Templar Eye Foundation for a (deductible) $150 donation to their charity.
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